
Ahad, 30 Oktober 2011

pecah rekod kali ke empat x tdo semalam

gila gila gila dan gila x tdo beb arini nervous pn ada kecut perut pn ade hmmmm apa2 pn wish me luck takut seyh hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm exam arini hmmmmmm hrp2 dpt jwb sbb sy btungkus lumus stdy spai x tdo

Jumaat, 28 Oktober 2011

TEKANAN makin terasa

ye saya x study satu apa pun lg sedang kan final nk dtg dh...bkn sy x nk study tp tekanan tu dtg pada saya bertimpa sekali......mslh fmly,cinta tiga segi yang memg bdoh sgt tu n now tekana final lak arghhhhhhhhhhh sy leh giler kalau macam ni mmg btul2 blh giler

cinta TIGA segi

sakit sebenar nya jd orng kedua dalam segala hal percintaan ni....segala gala nya harus dirahsia kan tambah2 lak makwe yang pertama ada sakit jantung...yang si teruna nak berterus terang tentang hubungan kami tapi si dara menolak untuk berterus terang kerana risau kan kesihatan yang pertama....saya syg cinta baru sy sb sy y pertama dia cintai....kerana tertekan dia memilih untuk mncari pganti....teringat pesan mak barang atau orang yang kita SAYANG diambil orang dia akan kembali pada kita...betul apa yang mak kata sebab dia memang dtg pd saya semula....penghalang nya cuma org y ptama tu mmpnyai pykit y berbahaya saya x nk lkakan aty y ptama dan x nk khilgan org y TERSAYANG buat kli kdua....tlog syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.........sy buntu sgt sekarang ni

fInAlLy We BrEaKuP

akhirnya kami berpisah sebulan berpisah gn dia bru sy trase khilgn dia hmmmm...mgkin sy prlukn dia untk luah kn mslh y sy hdpi skrg ni....sy tlh jtuh cinta pada some guy y baik,pyyg,pybr....tp syg nya dia dh ada mkwe.arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh tension giler nk suh dia tinggal kn makwe dia makwe dia lak ade sakit jntung hmmmmmmm mrana nye sy ap pn sy x leh buat....

High Heels - Be Careful


     As we all know women love wearing heels which seem to be getting higher and higher every year. However wearing high heels for long periods can cause many problems ranging from aching feet to hammer toes. High heels can also cause problems for other areas of the body including your knees, back and hip. It's staggering to think that 80% of people with foot problems are women. Pregnancy is one of the main factors as your body changes and your weight increases, coupled with wearing high heels only increases the chances of feet problems. Add this to the fact the women walk up to 3 miles more than men everyday no wonder women suffer more.
Choose shoes that fit properly, many people buy shoes that are too small thinking that they will stretch. Remember your feet expand though out the day so try shoes on at the end of the day; yes this is not always possible so allow for this expansion. It may sound silly to some but try both shoes on as your feet may not be identical. Get your foot size checked regularly as your foot size increases as you age.
Choose a pair of shoes with a shock absorbing sole cushioning your feet though out the day. If you're favourite pair of shoes have no cushioning then get a pair of good quality insoles. Try to spend less time in your heels and whenever possible give your feet a break. Put your feet up for 10 - 15 minutes this will reduce swelling and help circulation, treat your feet by giving them a good massage.
A great tip is to soak your feet in cold water then warm water this helps reduce the toxins in your feet, helps improve circulation, repeat this process several times for best results and remember always finish with warm water. Use a good quality over the counter moisturising cream or spay will really help your feet stay healthy.
Medical advice says if you wear high heels occasionally you should not cause any long term damage to your feet, however if worn excessively serious and even permanent damage can be caused. Remember these types of shoes cause problems like corns, bunions, and hammer toes. They also cause you to have an unnatural body position which can cause problems with your back, hip and leg muscles.
Remember your feet have walked many miles every year and deserved to be pampered.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

i'm so happy

suke nye arini giler seh dpt kua n shopping...
dpt ilg kn stress sb bberapa pkara y jd lam idp aq...
tq korg2 y tlibt bhopping bersama aq arini aq se aq bebas dr semua mslh n bebas dr cengkaman org...
ske sgt2 hmmm xtau dh nk tlis ap spai cni jer kot

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

VR2- Sayap- sayap cinta (High definition)

lagu kegemaran.....
 hope u all enjoy it....

Rabu, 14 September 2011

bfday mummy rina

arini 15/09 ari jd mummy rina best giler kene kn dia arini...
dua ari sblum kne kn dia mcm2 ktorg rncg
plan baik pye...
tp y jd nye lin lak dpd ap y drncg
tibe time y dtuggu2 ktorg untk kne kn dia
mcm2 ktorg wat
bling tpung,tlur n kek
msa bling tpung tu mummy mnjerit...jgn la wei...
tp lme2 bila kek spai dia lak y tharu
x tau nper dia tharu...
korek pye korek rhsia rper2 nye dia tharu n sdih coz slama ni x de spe pn y celebrate bfday dia cam 2
ktorg gak kne kjr gn pk guard coz memekak mlm2 buta...
citer aq lak aq tgolek tlentang msa nk wat sprise tu
sakit nye aq jer y tau...
mlm tu bkn aq sorg jer y jtuh rper2 nya nadea mber satu blok n satu nma gn aq pn tgolek...
ksian kn ktorg
spai cni jer la nk citer xde bnda dh y nk dcerita...
see u all next time byeeee